Fortune Chakki Fresh Whole Wheat Atta can be used to make Rotis and other Indian Breads. Which is Handpicked from the finest wheat fields across India , every golden amber grains of wheat used for Fortune Chakki Fresh Atta goes through a traditional chakki process that retains all the goodness and natural taste while also giving you the nutritional benefits dietary fiber. This natural process makes sure that your roties stay soft and fluffy for long. It can also be mixed with normal wheat flour for added benefits. It is made with superior wheat blend by using Traditional Chakki Process and packed at their factories, using superior technology helps in making healthy and delicious meals. It is absolutely immaculate and untouched by hands. It gives assurance of consistent quality.
Buy Fortune Chakki Fresh Whole Wheat Atta Online Now!
# | Quantity | Price | Save Margin |
1 | 1 - 800 + | 165 | 91 % |